Spread the word
AKA phonebank, textbank, canvass, flyer.
Whatever your method, person-to-person interactions are an impactful way to make a difference. They can also be super intimidating. So here’s what you need to know:
Write postcards
For the biggest introverts (or most low-tech) among us. You get a list of crucial voters and a script to work off of, and then you just...write and send. Done. Easy.
Remember when you used phones to actually have conversations? It’s that all over again. You get a list of numbers (sometimes it’s automated and you don’t even have to dial a number) and script to work off of. Some convos might be awkward, but it can’t be worse than another Trump term, right? Mobilize.us will hook you up with a phonebanking sesh, or just Google “phonebank for…” and add your preferred candidate’s name—most have phonebank tools you can use from home.
Like phonebanking, but with more emojis. This is one of our fave ways to get active—it’s easy (we swear!) and you don’t need a lot of time to send out a bunch of texts. Resistance Labs makes it sooo easy to plug into a number of campaigns happening across the country.
Knocking on a stranger’s door and telling them why you hope they support a specific candidate or cause is, um, terrifying the first time you do it. But you’ll quickly realize that canvassing is actually way easier—and way, way more impactful—than you imagined. Take an afternoon and try it!
Hate talking to people? Love to make art? DIY your own posters—supporting a candidate, a cause, or even just sharing Election Day deets (since it’s easy to forget it’s coming up). Print it, tape it up in your neighborhood, make a difference without having to interact with anyone.