Get registered

We’re almost 50 days out from Election Day—which, in normal times, would mean we’d have 50 days to make sure we’re all set to vote. But these aren’t normal times [gestures at...everything].

That’s why this month we’re focusing on getting registered to vote—you, your friends, your neighbor with the loud dog, and total strangers who need help—and establishing a voting plan now.


Peer pressure is real: Post your voting plan on Instagram—don’t forget to tag your accountability buddy and @rallyandrise.


ready to flyer?

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’ve reached week 3 of this month’s workbook (or have skipped ahead—which is cool, too) and are looking to download our voter registration posters to put up in your community.

Click below to download—and then fill in the blanks with the most up-to-date info available for your district.


(For Katrina Ortiz’s poster, click here to download the font, here to download the InDesign file, and here to download her printing instructions.)