Are you ready for a #NoRegretsNovember?

Remember how you felt the morning after the 2016 election? Like the worst hangover...ever.

 We don’t want you to feel that way again this year. We want to know that we did our part to stop Trump, flip the Senate, and elect as many progressive candidates up-and-down the ballot as possible. (That hangover feeling should be from celebratory champagne.)

 With 100 days (and counting!) until the November 3 election, we’re doing the work now to ensure we have a #noregretsnovember.

And we want you to join us.

How it’s gonna work:

Every month, we’ll be focusing on a different way to take action. Some might push you out of your comfort zone. It can be intimidating, we know—that’s why we’re doing this together.  

To help you get through it, we’ll be launching a monthly workbook. This will lay out the steps to take that month—so you can track your progress (or hold yourself accountable, you do you). When in doubt, reference the workbook and take action in some way. 

The timeline:

 Why this election matters:

We know that voting alone won’t change things, but it’s crucial to have progressive elected officials at every level of government on our side to pass legislation that protects us all.

And the 2020 election is extra important. 

 Yes, there’s the Presidential election—and we need to get rid of Trump. 

There’s also the Senate, which under Republican control has blocked important legislation from even being considered and packed our courts with extreme conservative ideologues. We have the opportunity to flip it blue. 

There’s also the Supreme Court, which will almost definitely have vacancies in the next few years; so many rights have already been stripped by the court in the past four years, we can’t risk another four. We need Senators who will confirm Supreme Court justices that rule on behalf of the people. 

There’s also state legislatures. (Every state has its own state legislature, with a state House and Senate, FYI.) Although they get way less attention than the national races, these elected officials can pass their own super-important statewide bills—from healthcare to housing. And even more crucial for 2020: State legislators oversee redistricting (AKA drawing electoral district lines). This happens only once a decade, and can affect both political power and who gets properly represented. 

There’s also local positions—like mayor, district attorney, and sheriff—which all have a say in police funding, criminal justice and more. If you’ve protested in support of Black Lives Matter, these elected officials can actually do something to help your community.

In short: There are sooo many reasons why this election is important. And it’s going to take every. single. one. of. us. to elect the best candidates running. (It’s then up to us to hold them accountable once they’re in office, but we’ll deal with that on November 4…)

 BTW: We know there’s a lot going on

There are tons of issues that bring people to activism, and it’s not always about electoral politics (especially rn, when lots of people are focused on organizing around Black Lives Matter and various racial justice-adjacent causes).

 It goes without saying that it’s absolutely possible to advocate for more than one issue at a time. It’s also important to acknowledge that voting alone does not create change (and that there are many barriers to voting—often rooted in racial discrimination). We respect anyone’s decision to continue working in other areas unrelated to this November’s election—and appreciate their focus on the many fronts we must be fighting.

Our #NoRegretsNovember workbook is created with election activism in mind, but many of the prompts can apply to whatever issue you’re focused on. So hi! Welcome! We’re super excited that you’re here and looking to get involved in something that’s important to you.