#NoRegretsNovember resources

Every month between now and the election, we’re dropping a workbook to help make it suuuper easy for you to take action. (Haven’t downloaded yours yet? Get it here.)

But if you’re an activist overachiever and want to start doing the work ASAP—whether it’s registering new voters, helping people get their ballots, or spreading the word on extra-important candidates—we’ve compiled a list of orgs that we highly recommend linking up with in the meantime.



want to register voters?

We can’t win if we can’t all vote—and Republicans are working overtime to disenfranchise as many voters as possible. The following groups are all doing important work to ensure that millions of eligible voters (especially voters of color) are registered, know how to get a ballot, and can actually vote:

want to focus on a swing state?

Not all states are created equal—at least, not during major elections. If we want to flip the Senate, keep control of the House, and get the majority in state houses across the country (not to mention dump Trump), we’ll need to be focusing on key swing states. These groups have pinpointed the most important states for the 2020 election and set up programs to get you volunteering directly, no matter where you live:

want to write to swing voters?

Writing to voters in swing states is a win-win situation: You can remind people about the upcoming election and support the USPS at the same time. These groups provide all the deets—who you’re writing to and what you’re saying:

want to phonebank/TExtbank for candidates?

Canvassing (that is: going door-to-door talking about a candidate) is one of the most important ways that campaigns get out the vote. And it’s basically impossible to do during a pandemic, so phonebanking and textbanking is even more important this year. These groups make it sooo easy to dive right in (even if you’re a newbie):

want to protect the vote on election day?

We said it before and we’ll say it again: We can’t win if we can’t all vote. Which is why making Election Day go as smoothly as possible is extra important this year. These groups will help set you up as a poll worker (AKA the person actually working at a poll site), a poll monitor (AKA the person standing outside a polling location making sure that there aren’t any issues), and an election protection worker (AKA a lawyer who is answering voter questions in real time and providing legal advice to anyone who has been told they can’t vote):

want to donate to progressive candidates in swing districts?

Time is money, yes, but money is also money—especially if you’re a candidate running for local office. Because they’re not getting as much press, attention, or buzz, they’re not raising very much money. Which means even $20 could make a huge difference for them. These groups have identified the key swing races in 2020 and created funds that spread your money evenly among candidates: